Icon Box Carousel

Display your icon and banner in a very interactive way using the Icon Box Banner Carousel widgets.

You can see the below video to understand how you can use the Icon Box carousel Widget. Or you can follow the documentation whichever you find convenient.

Step 1

To use our Icon Box Banner Carousel widget, at first create a section by clicking on the “+” icon on Elementor and then from the block section of the left bar search for Icon Box Banner Carousel Drag the Icon Box Banner Carousel block and drop it into your created section.

Icon Box Banner Carousel

Now under the Content tab from the Template Style menu, you can select the style. There are four different styles available.

You can see all the styles from here.

In the Content menu, you will find the three default items. You can delete an item by clicking on the “X” icon and copy an item using the copy icon. Click on the Add Item button to add a new item.

Icon Box Banner Carousel

Click any of the items to edit them. Add the icon from the icon library or upload your SVG icon. Add title, subtitle, and content to their field.

Step 2


Add body section background color as classic or gradient, border type, border width, radius, box-shadow, padding and margin for the section.

Icon Box Banner Carousel


Add icon section background color as classic or gradient, border type, border width, radius, box-shadow, padding and margin for the section.

Icon Box Banner Carousel

Title, Subtitle & Content

Set typography, color, padding and margin for title, subtitle and content text.

Icon Box Banner Carousel

Now from the Slider Option menu, you can set up your slider features. You can choose the number to display in the slider as well as scroll in the slider. You can enable or disable the autoplay & loop option and set the autoplay speed. You can also set the distance between siders and slider direction as left or right. There is also an option to choose slide effect as slider or fade.

Icon Box Banner Carousel

You can choose the navigation as –

  • Arrows & Dots
  • Arrows
  • Dots
  • None

Set the arrow color, arrow hover color, dot color, dot border-color, dot size and others.

Icon Box Banner Carousel

Great! You have complete your icon box banner carousel section.

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